Sunday, June 21

Happy Father’s Day!!! I called my Dad this afternoon to wish him a happy Father’s Day (and to let him know that his card will probably arrive tomorrow, oops!). We chatted for a bit while our supper of leftovers was heating up in the roaster oven. He truly is the best Dad ever!


This morning was a busy one. We enjoyed a cuppa coffee and then we hit the gardens while there was still some semblance of cool morning air. CountryBoy planted some black-eye peas and some more okra and I hoed some weeds in the flower garden and planted some Freesia and Anemone bulbs. I also moved the Rhubarb plant. It’s still in the same area but I planted it on a mound. It had sunk in the ground after a good rain and they like well-drained soil. Let’s hope it will really take off now.

Our guests left fairly early so while CountryBoy was finishing whipping up our breakfast I headed up and stripped it and took mental notes of what needed to be replaced. I pulled the buggy up to the back of the house to unload and Creamsicle decided it looked like a great place to take a nap…

After we ate we quickly changed and went to church. It’s so good to be able to go in the church again and to see the people and to sing. Being able to hear the message on the radio during the quarantine was wonderful but being able to actually worship is truly special now. In fact, I broke down in tears after singing How Great Thou Art this morning. I was truly thinking about the words I was singing and they just spoke to me. I mean, how can they not?…

O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hand hath made.
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin:

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration,
And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

Powerful words!


After we got home I went to work and CountryBoy got the cabin ready for today’s guest. He also folded up the pop-up camper and got stung on the ear by a wasp in the process. He’s OK! Work was short – only three hours. Wednesday will be a long one since I already know the amount of sheets that are waiting to be washed.


We are getting a nice rain this evening. A much needed rain. We have not gotten our drainage problems fixed yet but we’ll take the rain. The gardens need it and the rain barrels at the cabin will get filled once again.


Farm news: 25 eggs

Monday, June 22

During morning coffee CountryBoy and I were talking about the compliments we’ve been getting about the farm. He was saying that keeping up with the farm and trying to keep it looking good was his hobby. I’ve always told him he needed to find a hobby (other than video games and watching TV/movies) but he honestly has no interest in hobby-type things. So, apparently, the farm has become his hobby! I laughed and said the phrase ‘hobby farm’ has a whole new meaning here at Dream Valley Farmstead, ha!


Work was OK. The server crashed twice. I was able to get some pages laid out though and then I left to go vote. I locked my stuff in the truck and walked to the polling place. I was in and out in less than five minutes. Awesome!


I spent any extra minutes yesterday weaving in the ends on the crochet blanket. I’ve decided to weave in the ends after I complete two sets of color changes. I think by doing it that way it won’t be quite the ordeal when I’ve completed the last row.


Farm news: 25 eggs

Tuesday, June 23

It was a restless night of sleep. We were awakened by a phone call. Phone calls in the middle of the night are never good. This one was no different. CountryBoy’s Mom had called to let us know that his oldest daughter had been hit by a truck when she was walking home from work and that she was in the hospital with several broken ribs, collarbone, a punctured lung and was in ICU. It was a restless night with lots of praying going on. Thankfully, CountryBoy was able to talk to his daughter today. She does indeed have several broken ribs and collarbone, a bleeding – not punctured – lung and a broken sternum and had stayed in the ER overnight and was moved to ICU today. She is in good spirits but prayers would be appreciated for a quick and full recovery.

Work went well with no crashing of the server and we were finished in less than three hours. Another short day – I love it! In fact, since I had most of the afternoon still ahead I decided it was the perfect time to start rearranging the living room in preparation for the bookshelf and TV stand that are on their way. The bookshelf will arrive this Friday and the TV stand next week. Rearranging anything means that the vacuum cleaner will come out which also means that CountryBoy will disappear, ha! He escaped outside and proceeded to wash and clean the top of the pop-up camper. It needs another good scrubbing but he said it’s 50% cleaner than it was.

While he was outside I vacuumed the newly exposed floor space and mopped. I also vacuumed the walls. Once the floors dried I started shifting furniture around. It’s looking good and I think the bookshelf and TV stand will be the final pieces to pull the living room all together.

Before supper I stepped off the front porch to capture some of the Pink Perfection Trumpet Lilies that are opening up…

They are beautiful and huge!

They are larger than my hand…

Also in bloom…


Every spare minute I have I pick up the crochet blanket and work a few rows. It’s working up quickly even though I’m working on it sporadically. I think the rest of the evening I will work on it some more and maybe pick up an old magazine and read through it. I plan on chilling this evening!


Farm news: 29 eggs

I gathered the eggs after supper and fed Mabel. I went out in the paddock to visit with the young’uns. They are getting big and are still quite friendly. Speckles is really starting to look like a turkey now. Blondie still looks like a turkey chicken mix! I’ll have to get pictures.


  1. 💕

    On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 7:26 PM Dream Valley Farmstead wrote:

    > dreamvalleyfarmstead posted: ” Sunday, June 21 Happy Father’s Day!!! I > called my Dad this afternoon to wish him a happy Father’s Day (and to let > him know that his card will probably arrive tomorrow, oops!). We chatted > for a bit while our supper of leftovers was heating up in the ” >


  2. So sorry to hear of Ronnie’s daughter’s accident. Paul and I are praying for healing, comfort and patience in the long endurance toward wholeness. 🙏🏼❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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